I try to avoid buying things in glass jars as much as possible, but a jar of barbecue sauce could sauce up a bunch of pizzas...so I bought a bottle. (We can recycle glass in special receptacles located in parking lots placed around our city, but recycling still takes energy + water.)
When suppertime rolls around, we make a pizza crust...spread some barbecue sauce on it...spread the salad bar ingredients (minus the tofu/chicken)...top with grated cheese...and bake. Five minutes before it's done, I add the tofu/chicken mixed with a little more barbecue sauce (in order to avoid drying them out)...and bake five more minutes.
The salad bar is a great source of unpackaged ingredients like tofu, mozzarella balls, olives + lots more. I save the more expensive purchases for rare treats. Salad bar pizza toppings make for a simple, quick + tasty meal. :)