I think a lot about enough + less, because I am continually reminded that that is what allows my mind to be most at peace. My mind now has practiced pathways that make an effort to prevent me from making impulse purchases. And yet, when I'm thinking through making a few little improvements around the house, I often find myself looking outward...to add something. A few weeks ago, a hanging plant that we've had for over a decade started to bloom again. It's blooms are tiny, but hundreds of them come all at once + they have a scent that my allergies don't like. Since we made some changes in our kitchen, the place we most like to sit is right under that plant. I finally decided that I do not need to endure the itchy eyes + stuffy nose that plant brings. Jo brought it to her place, and I was left with an empty plant hook that I was in no real hurry to fill. A couple weeks later, I was at the plant store for a different reason + decided to take a look at the hanging plants. One of the hanging plants they had was a rhipsalis. I have a scraggly rhipsalis, but had never thought of hanging it. I had a lighter pot for hanging + some soil too. A few days later, I repotted the plant + realized that I didn't have a hanger. My other hangers were made out of rope that I bought from the hardware store. I didn't want to leave the house, so I thought about what else I could possibly use...twine? A few minutes later, I hung the pot + I love it so much! It's been a year since we changed things in our kitchen. The contractor + electrician agreed to put our overhead lighting on a dimmer...and yet, they did not. I decided that was one battle too many in the midst of all the others. None of us likes the garish light when it's dark outside, so I've been looking for a lamp...for a year. As darkness comes earlier + stays later (again), I'm feeling very motivated to find a solution. Today, I was watching this Noguchi video + thinking of my (not Noguchi) paper lamps.
We have two paper hanging lamps downstairs that don't get used often. I've thought of them before, but I don't want to hang a light from the ceiling in the kitchen. Then it occurred to me that maybe I could use one like a lamp on the top of the fridge! Ten minutes, a piece of tape + a clothespin later...and we have the most lovely, warm, glow in our kitchen! It's not taking up space on the shelf. The cord is hidden by the fridge. It didn't cost anything. And...it ties in with the paper lampshade across the room too. Adding more to our space always makes me nervous. I don't want more. I want less...less to clean...less to take care of...less to purchase...less visual clutter. When I can use what I already have in new ways, it makes me so, so happy! Love, Jane A little collection of treats (not a shopping list)...what I'm loving visually right now:
All lovely images via links. Unlinked photos are mine. Love, Jane My partner + I first lived together in Denver. We'd heard about bands like U2 playing at Red Rocks amphitheater, but we didn't have extra money for things like that. This summer, we finally picked a concert + went. The most memorable moment for me was when Phoenix played Love like a Sunset just as the sun set over the red rocks (utterly magical)...well that + when Thomas Mars touched my shoulder (!) to move me out of his way as he descended through the crowd. (ha) This explanation of how the song was made gave me goosebumps. "It's the end for you. The sun is going down, but for others it is rising. Something goes on."
The point is not happiness. It's happier-ness. Interestingly, this idea makes me feel I've gained something, not lost. A space for two couples. This weekend, seasonal eating involves apple crisp + pasta with spiralized zucchini, green onion + parmesan. There will be hot tea + mango smoothies, because these days are the perfect mix of sunny afternoons + cool evenings (+ also because that's what's in my fridge). :) Hope your weekend involves rest + play...a feast for the senses + time to notice it. Loads of love, Jane It's that point between seasons, when I can look back over what I've worn + not worn in the hot months. I pull things out for cooler days ahead + see a couple pieces that I now feel comfortable letting go. This process brings me to list a few things for resale.
I love that resale has become an accessible way to make sales + purchases. I love that the stigma has been removed from wearing secondhand clothing. We are keeping things in use + out of the landfill! And...I like to use this process to reevaluate my purchasing mindset, because it is never my goal to sell things that I haven't used up. When I sell things, I always go through a process of wanting to get some money out of them...feeling that I am always on the losing end of the money exchange...realizing that I just want to get those pieces worn...and wanting to choose better next time. At this point in my fairdare journey, I know that each of my purchases was made with intention. This is just a great opportunity to reeducate my intention with new insight! This time around I'm letting go of:
A few lessons I can take from the things I'm letting go of:
Sustainability always rests on "less" + "enough". Resale is great, but only as long as it stays in proportion with use. The goal is not to purge + sell. The goal is to wear + use up. ;) Love, Jane The couch we bought a year ago was available in dark charcoal...a color that isn't usually my first choice. I was ok with it, because I thought I'd probably make a slipcover for it anyway. Since we've had it in our north facing living room, however, the color has grown on me. Now I'm contemplating embracing its moody hue + doubling down on it.
We've long been on the lookout for a big ottoman that can service more than two pairs of legs at once. The only one that has struck a chord with me is one in the same dark color as the couch. We're also considering growing our couch into a sectional, and I'm in search of confirmation that my eye can take so much darkness in my space. These photos have me thinking that white walls, jute rugs + minimal decorations (all of which we already have) might provide enough light(ness) + warmth to please my senses. The dark pieces feel cozy + enveloping...just the draw I want for this space. I think I like it, and no one is more surprised than me! :) (ope, hints!) All lovely photos via links. Love, Jane The person who can see the moment fully is never hopeless.
When we can imagine only one way to be happy, we don't recognize the fullness + possibility of the moment. We collapse if our one way is taken away from us. Recognize that there is always another way for Love to reach us. ~Richard Rohr |
on a journey toward zero-waste, simplicity, + compassion :: daring to choose fair one choice at a time