Celebrations like this are really great for grounding us in the present moment. I also appreciate them for not coming with any preconceived expectations. No pressure...just fun! Here are a few of the things we did to make it a celebration:
- to decorate: found things found around the house
- to eat: round (full moon shaped) thai pizza topped with round carrots, radishes, cucumbers + green onions...honeydew cut into crescent (moon) shaped slices...round, blue berries (which are also a super food!) :)
- to drink: blue lemonade with spirulina + magnesium
A few things we did to make it a ritual...we:
- discussed a moonlist together
- chose crystals (from ones everyone brought) that spoke to us...put them into a jar of water...and charged it under the moon
- wrote down things we wanted to let go of (because full moons are apparently good times to let things go) + put them under the charging moon water
- frolicked through the sprinkler in the moonlight (because the moon is in Pisces right now...which is a water sign)
- drew cards as ways to think about our past, present + future
- drank some of our moon water + watered some plants with it too
So...for us, this feels like a mix of reverence + silly fun. I think that is a pretty fantastic actually. Connections with my favorite people, my body, my spirit + the natural world were all facilitated + celebrated...and that feels really good.