A few of the offerings are exciting options that I could not buy without packaging previously. I would love to try the body lotion, laundry detergent, plant-based burgers + ice-cream in reusable packaging!
The emissions spent transporting this packaging from place to place gives me pause, but recycling also involves transport + so much more energy needed to break down materials + remake them.
I think you can tell I'm excited (word of the post) about this! Thank you again to Bea Johnson, Terracycle + The Story of Stuff for all of their work toward this new beginning whether directly or indirectly. Friends in the zero-waste community, we are part of this too! We prove that people have both the desire + the will to reduce waste. This is a giant step toward collective action! When companies such as Proctor + Gamble, Unilever, Nestle + Pepsi move in this direction, it has the potential to create a huge shift!
Loop is most likely an experiment + the whole industry is watching. Imagine being able to drop off clean containers for sterilization + reuse at the grocery store with each visit! (We already do it with our milk jugs.) If the costs are prohibitive (I found that a shipping/returns fee of $30 gets added to each order), consider giving them some feedback. Let's communicate that consumers want reusable packaging + that it is worth investing in. This is exciting, friends!!
All photos via Loop.