The new year is such a great time to renew a commitment, reach for a new level of skill, or open oneself up in a new way. I often wait until the last minute to try to come up with a sort of focus for the year to come. This year, I'm trying to be a little bit more proactive + thought I'd share a few habits that might be options to consider embracing + learning from:
-curb the production of microfibers moving through the air + seas :: make some thoughtful switches :: kindly share thoughts + actions with fellow consumers :: let brands know your thoughts :: (one brand taking action)
-take the fairdare :: get dressed with consideration for others + our shared planet :: make a commitment that pushes forward or stretches creativity
-make less waste :: live abundantly while sending as little as possible to the landfill to be preserved forever :: make one switch at a time or address one area at a time :: keep making progress
-get out of debt :: make + stick to a budget :: downsize spending :: celebrate victories
-tune in to "enough" :: live with joy + gratitude while not withholding resources from others :: buy less :: cultivate generosity :: try buying nothing or replacements only for periods of time
-practice self-compassion :: listen to + appreciate our bodies + feelings + intuition + souls while acting to optimize wellness
-enhance connection :: recognize + cultivate connection with fellow humans, nature + faith
-serve :: learn to recognize opportunities to partner with + assist while holding all with open hands + joyful, compassionate generosity :: elevate others :: be mindful of humility
-be curious :: offer a spirit that is teachable + open + ready to listen + learn :: study + experiment
-cultivate gratitude :: recognize both everyday + extraordinary beauty + the love that is its origin
In choosing a focus for the year to come, it might be helpful to think about what we value in life + how our current habits align with those values. We could also consider how our personal goals + actions affect others. We want to be healthy + whole humans...and we want to leave a viable planet full of love + peace for those who come after us. I hope that the habits I tend + sharpen with discipline + attention enhance my own existence...but also contribute to the greater good.
The decade before us is such a crucial one for our planet. Our personal mindsets + action are so important...but collective action is also necessary. Let's keep talking with those who need a little bit more encouragement. Let's speak truth to power. Let's vote with ballots + with our dollars. Let's encourage each other + move forward together!