I want to reiterate that there is no truly "zero"-waste lifestyle...at least not for most of us living today. Even bulk bins are stocked from plastic lined boxes that arrived on a truck that traveled miles from a facility that used power to process the contents in some way. What we are attempting is to move toward zero-waste. This distinction offers every individual + family an onramp to simply start decreasing their waste. Any improvement is an improvement for our environment and our future. One by one, each change will make a bigger + bigger difference. There is no failure...other than not trying at all.
My hope is that this space offers a number of onramps to thoughtful, compassionate, simple living. I try to keep the posts here focused on small things...homemade pickles or toilet paper or thrifted jeans...small things that move us in the direction of fair...less waste...compassion. My favorite part of the Martha Stewart magazine, whenever I'd flip through it, was always the section entitled, "Good Things". They are/were small projects or modifications that could make a difference in the beauty or functionality of things. That has been one focusing idea behind this space.
So I'm going back to my beginnings with zero-waste, as my memory serves. My experience is what I have to offer + my hope is that it creates some sparks for further thought in the reader. Our stories will all be personal...but we move toward a common goal that serves not only us + our families, but our neighbors, our communities, + our world. A common goal for the common good.