this? or that? ----> | mountaintop removal coal mining via |
Coral reefs are dying, melting glaciers warp the earth's surface, heatwaves rage, record temperatures soar (53.5 C / 128F!!), coastlines erode, cyclones and landslides cause massive flooding, devastating drought threatens farmland and water supplies...and those are just stories from the last two weeks! People on every continent are affected by these events.
The United States is the biggest carbon polluter in history. We the (majority of) American people agree that we want to be a part of the effort to slow climate change.
Solar + wind create jobs. Coal and fracking are silly investments.
It's time to get to work. Hawaii, California, and Atlanta have made their own climate commitments. We can influence our own cities and states.
Places to get connected to your local chapter (or start one!):
Sierra Club
See you in the trenches.