We can choose to buy less, second hand, and fair. We can choose to make our own clothing and repair what we have. These are great fair choices. The more people make these choices, the greater the effect. But those big brands are still out there making poor choices and exploiting people. We can opt out as much as possible, but we can also urge those big brands to take a stand...to change their practices. Every brands can choose to manufacture their clothing in fair-trade certified factories. We can let them know that this is important to us.
Take this opportunity to find a garment in your closet and ask the company, "Who made my clothes?" Tag them on instagram. Write them a letter. The more people who ask, the greater the impact.
Fairness is no exploitation of people for clothing. Fairness is every garment worker able to work in safe conditions and fairly compensated.
For more information and inspiration (and print outs) check out Fashion Revolution.