Be The Gift: Let your Broken be Turned into Abundance by Ann Voskamp is a book filled with inspiration + encouragement to give our broken selves away in order to find wholeness. I'm taking this one slow.
Loving My Actual Life by Alexandra Kuykendall reads like a journal of a busy mom trying to find happiness + satisfaction right where she finds herself...with a year-long experiment.
Ellen Davis + Wendell Berry spoke with Krista Tippett a few years ago. I listened to this conversation + promptly put Ellen's book on hold at the library. What a read it is. I love how Scripture, Culture, and Agriculture (not pictured) weaves scripture into our understanding of current environmental issues + our connection with the land.
Conducting a yearly summary + gaining some perspective.
Hearing Scott Harrison talk passionately about Charity Water made me fall in love with it all over again.
2017 has been a tough year, but hope + love have been at work.
"We want you to know the full life cycle of every piece we make."
Hope you are having a cozy weekend, friends!