"In modern society people aren’t used to interacting with products that are not in the finished state. We are losing our sense of power to make things happen, because we don’t see the process. It contributes to low self-esteem and low self-confidence in your ability to make things happen in the world. If someone can make something with their hands, in a few hours, they see their ability to change things and make things. It builds self-confidence." ~Ellie Lum via
"There is just an incredible weight to our lives and to our choices."
"I don't want anyone to feel guilt, because guilt is the thing you feel when you've already decided that you aren't going to do anything." ~Andrew Morgan (listen)
Interesting on so many different levels.
This week remember that you are a human being capable of doing beautiful things. (Love that that song came from this one.)
Have a beautiful weekend, friends!