i've changed my cleaning routine lately. i think it's a great idea to have a couple of cleaning tasks to do each day and that's how i'd been trying to do it. it spreads out the job and allows it all to get done with a few minutes devoted to cleaning each day. i realized, however, that my problem is that since i don't like to clean...each day, i dread doing the task. in the last month, i've decided to do my morning routine each day (after which, i need to start school with julia). on saturdays, at some point i start cleaning and feel motivated to just power through it and be done. i only have to dread cleaning once a week instead of every day. it doesn't take too long, and then it's mostly done for the week. i also have a list of things that should be done monthly, twice a year and yearly. i can schedule a few of those each month.
the thing is... the cleaning supplies i was using...even the eco-friendly ones...made me run out of our tiny bathroom as soon as possible gasping for fresh air. i'm not even exaggerating. that can't be healthy. so...
the first time i used vinegar to clean, i think i did find it a bit yucky...but the smell goes away so quickly. we've been cleaning with vinegar and water spray for years now, and i honestly don't notice the smell one bit...ever. so...here is my super simple cleaning spray. no need for borax or washing powder, essential oils, or even castile soap, in my opinion. it's cheap, non-toxic, less waste producing, and effective.
white vinegar
empty spray bottle from the last cleaner you used, rinsed...alternatively, if you buy a glass bottle of white vinegar, you can use just the sprayer (may have to cut it down) from the old spray bottle...and screw it onto the glass bottle. that sounds very aesthetically pleasing, but since i'm not the only one to use the bottle (and even i sometimes drop it), i'm just using the one i've got.
fill the spray bottle with about a inch of white vinegar...then fill it up the rest of the way with water. clean. it works in the kitchen and the bathroom.
(if you like, you can add orange or grapefruit peels (for added scent) to the vinegar (for a week) before removing peels and adding water. i've done this, but have noticed no difference in the smell.)
super simple tub scrub
sometimes the tub or shower floor (or sink) needs a bit of something extra to get it totally clean. sprinkle a little baking soda (can put it into a glass parmesan cheese shaker), spray with the cleaning spray, and scrub.
user testimony: jo commented the other day that she didn't really believe this would work, but then found that it worked way better than store bought, job specific cleaners.
super simple toilet cleaner
pour around 1/4 cup of white vinegar into the toilet bowl, scrub with the toilet brush, and done. (add a sprinkle of baking soda, if needed.)
our simple cleaning supplies include:
super simple cleaning spray
baking soda
brush + dust pan
white vinegar
toilet brush
keepin' it simple,