This may be a good way to start thinking through our wardrobes...whether we are simply doing a clean out...a curation...or a reassessment. Even if we don't want to live with such a small number of basics, this could be a good jumping off point for adding in other pieces + personalized touches. I like the idea of a small wardrobe because it helps me to live within my means, to consume what I need rather than over-consuming, to produce less waste that ends up in the landfill, and to choose fair when I need to consume.
It was surprisingly easy to come up with a sort of system for these pieces. My everyday outfit would consist of: pale, soft jeans + an oversized, oat-colored pullover. In order to help these pieces function in any weather I'd add a long-sleeved tee, sweatshirt, short-sleeved tee, + tank. All of these additional pieces would be white or cream.
My outfit that would function well in the more formal settings I find myself in (but also for everyday) would be: black pants, black silky tank, black pullover + flats. In order to allow these pieces to function in a broader range of circumstances, I'd add a short-sleeved tee, sweatshirt + long-sleeved tee. All of these pieces would be black accept for the shoes.
Lounging would call for black leggings or soft shorts + the above tops. All of the pieces could mix + match. Chosen with care, these pieces could function as athletic wear (leggings + tank) + sleepwear (soft shorts + tank) as well.
My basic, functional, good pieces ::
-pale jeans
-black pants
-soft shorts
-pullovers: oat + black
-sweatshirts: cream+ black
-long-sleeved tees: black + white
-short-sleeved tees: black + white
-tanks: black + white
-footwear: flats, trainers, boots, sandals
Add some socks, underwear, a jacket, a tote bag and I imagine that these pieces would see me through most situation year round. I'd need to work up to having all of these pieces, if I were truly starting over. Seasons would spread out purchases + multiples could be put off. In theory, this could work. In mind + finding exactly what I want could get in the way.
We are transformed through the renewal of the mind. I'm working at it. :)
What would your most basic, functional, good pieces be?