What I learned has to do with preference in regards to individual pieces. I wish this sweatshirt was about a size smaller...or that that coat was a little bit longer. It feels like a small wardrobe highlights these issues more than a larger one...that each piece feels the weight of desired perfection more. A larger wardrobe does not necessarily solve this problem for me. I think that it may just spread the confusion around a bit more + make it harder to address.
Last year I noted that I would have liked to wear leggings more, so I made that happen this year. By the middle of January, I was getting a little tired of leggings. Too much of a good thing is not such a good thing apparently. :) I made bright January pants + have been wearing them as much as possible since. They have replaced the black tencel pants for the moment (which are a bit tricky to keep folded just right around the waist, being slippery tencel). I've decided that after years of wearing skinny jeans (not this winter, but in the past), my legs are ready for a little bit more freedom. My leggings aren't going anywhere, but right now I'm favoring looser pants worn with more fitted pullover sweatshirts, tees or pact tanks (as the weather warms up).
The weather lately has been sprinkling in some much warmer days, so I've been dipping into my "out of season" clothing more than anticipated. My black jumpsuit is getting a bit of wear...sometimes with a tee underneath and sometimes with a sweater over top. A couple of short-sleeved tees have come out of storage as well + that made-in-the-USA one up there was added. I'm not digging the climate implications of this weather at all, but it has kept the wardrobe feeling a bit fresher.
In terms of what I'll be letting go + putting on my shopping list for next cold season: my brown boots are probably on the to go list. They have served me well for a good long time, but have felt a bit disheveled lately + a tripping incident scuffed them both (+ my knee) quite a bit too. I will clean them up + try to make them look as good as possible before donating them. I'll be looking for some new boots + maybe an oversized pullover sweater next autumn...and I've already made another pair of colorful pants. :)