I hear these messages + wonder: What is my motivation? Am I at a point where I am just trying to maintain...to stay out of debt (other than our mortgage), to keep my wardrobe small, my purchases as fair as possible + my home free from the unnecessary? Yes, there is that. But should I be basing my life on experiences or making it a goal to travel more? Should I make a bucket list? Should I always be looking for the next thing?
I've struggled to think of what my motivation could be. I love things like experiences + travel. They just don't totally speak to me as a major motivation right now.
I've finally worked out what my motivation is for myself through writing. I wrote + wrote until my mind came around to recognizing my personal motivation...compassion. It feels silly to have struggled so long...once I reached this conclusion. It's right there in the description of this space. Compassion motivates me to consider my tribe, my body, fellow humans, farmers, garment workers + the planet in my choices. It just seems a bit out of step with the motivations others offer as their own perfectly wonderful examples.
Sometimes motivation is easy to recognize. Maybe our goals provide their own motivation. Maybe zero debt is the motivation. Maybe setting up a simple life in order to work a job that engages a passion is the motivation. Motivation might be a little bit harder to label once the debt is paid off + the job is landed. Maybe we pursue contentment or gratitude in the life we worked toward + now inhabit. Maybe we can pursue growth or awareness right where we find ourselves. Maybe faith or open hands or generosity or service is our motivation.
Motivation can be the talisman that refocuses...the crutch that helps us take another step...the grit pushes us to persevere. Motivations come in so many different forms. Taking the time to find the right one for right now can be so helpful moving forward into a new year full of possibility + hope.
* various motivators are in italics