a child's calendar by john updike and illustrated by nancy ekholm burkett: this is a special little vintage book that i found at a library book sale. it offers sweet timeless poems and illustrations for each month of the year. we love turning the page each month and reading the poem that speaks perfectly to what is going on right then. this book is on display year round. recording this here is the first time i realized these poems are by john updike! our book was published in 1965, but i found that a 2002 version received a caldecott honor with a different illustrator. we are partial to burkett's illustrations, but the new version also looks charming.
poetry for young people: rudyard kipling: to compliment this "introduction" we used many of the books in the poetry for young people series. lovely illustrations accompany a selection of poems appropriate for younger audiences. numerous poets can be explored, including those as different as edgar allen poe and maya angelou.
one hundred great poems for girls edited by ceclia johnson: a sweet anthology of poems, divided into convenient categories such as 'nature', or 'inspiration', 'tongue twisters'. i almost think the title conveys that the book is a bit childish, but it really isn't. i like it just as much as i did when i was twelve!
favorite poems old and new edited by helen ferris: a giant (over seven hundred poems!) anthology of various poetry, to be enjoyed by all ages! again, divided into great categories and containing poetry from all time periods... wonderful!
and there you have it, a few of our favorite poetry books! if you have any that aren't mentioned, we would love to hear about them!
jane + jo