i have never owned a salad spinner. there are times when i think one could be nice, but the space it takes up deters me. a kitchen towel works just fine, and washing and patting dry greens provides a great job for a helper. :)
we don't have a vegetable peeler. scrubbing carrots and potatoes with our hands works well. we happen to like mashed potatoes with the peels included. edible food and vitamins are lost in peeling vegetables...so we just don't do it. :)
place mats and tablecloths aren't used around here. while they can look pretty, these items mostly just seem like more laundry to me. without them, it's easy to just wipe down the table...and done.
along the same lines, we don't use cloth napkins. our kitchen sink is a few steps away, if we really need it. somehow, this just works for us.
we don't have a waffle maker. pancakes in a cast iron skillet are the same thing...just a different shape. we don't have them a ton, so no one minds if we always have pancakes at home...and waffles are just for when we eat out occasionally.
panini makers, george forman grills, bread makers, crock pots, and rice makers don't reside here either. our cast iron skillet, pot, oven, and stove top work just as well for preparing the same items that these single use pieces prepare.
no doubt each person's list of haves and have nots is different. we all have our own preferences. use what you love!
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