as just the same me, i do like to get out my clean new calendar and planner at the new year and look at all the possibility in those blank pages. i like to take a deep breath and imagine that i am starting fresh (although any day can work just as well as january 1). i'm not much for resolutions, but i do like to evaluate what i'd like to improve and then make a doable plan to…well, improve.
i like pen and paper, so i have a notebook in which there is a heading, "areas i want to work on". there are categories: God, health & fitness, eating, relationships, waste, and stuff (material possessions). i visit these pages often. time is taken to think about and record what i'd like these areas to look like in my life. next i try to put these goals into actionable daily, weekly, and monthly plans. planning is a main component of carrying out my goals, so i write out times for planning and reevaluating each area too.
for example, let's look at my God category. in my notebook, i wrote that i would like to read my bible every day, do eucharisteo (thanksgiving), memorization, study (on christian life and God), and service. a couple notes and quotes are also written there…"He is my master, not my hobby." "My heart has heard You say, 'come and talk with me.' and my heart responds, 'Lord, i am coming.' psalms 27:8" my actionable plan is to read scripture, pray, write things i am thankful for in my thankful journal, and read over my memorization verse in the morning each day (a particular time and place is set). i will read a book or two related to christian living in the afternoons or evenings. at the beginning of each month, i will plan what books and scripture verses to memorize and also a service project. that way i will have a scheduled time both for planning and doing. i wrote, "commit and do!" in my planning section.
reflect, plan, commit, do…repeat.
i'm not really a rigidly organized person. i can get kind of loosey-goosey about things, so my objective is to accomplish my goals…but not beat myself up about a missed day here or there. flexibility is available, but moving forward with intention is the priority. i want my home to be clean, but most of all allow for enjoyable living. i want to be healthy and fit, but to enjoy the amazingness of cheesecake if presented with it on the rare occasion. the thing is that my house will only be clean…and i will only be fit, if i normally keep it clean and eat well.
the new year is a good time to reevaluate these pursuits...but ultimately, it's about living a good, intentional life…not becoming a new me.
i'd love to hear what areas you want to work on this year!