This weekend these girls + I spent a little time writing notes of encouragement + rolling them up with dollar bills. This idea was sparked by someone else who shared doing something I thought I'd share too in case anyone else might have fun with it. (Highly recommended! No dollars even necessary.)
A few other ideas for a different kind of giving:
-discuss a cause to which the whole tribe would like to contribute some money, place an envelope under the tree + let each decide the amount they contribute
-give kids a dollar amount + let them decide how to spend it in the giving catalogs
-combine McDonalds gift cards with handmade cards for homeless neighbors
-buy some personal pizzas + pass them out
-gift feminine products, natural haircare products, toiletries, lotion, etc. to a women's shelter
-make cookies + take them to the places we love
-pass cards to the people at the grocery store who give us our milk bottle refunds, fill our bulk containers + check them out
-write cards for the garbage men + mail carrier
-take a walk + spread birdseed for the animals on Christmas Day...doing this once a year offers a day of celebration + ease to our fellow creatures