Last year, we heard an advertisement that just went ahead + defined turned Thanksgiving into "Thanksgetting". Gross. This week (whether you live in the USA or not) can be something else. A deliberate choice to slow down and savor. What if Thanksgiving was actually cozy + tasty + laughter + rest? What if we actually experienced gratitude...and for more than the time it takes to go around the table and list one thing we are thankful for?
What if we actually took the time to look around and to be grateful for the land that produced all the good things we ate all summer long + will eat in the months to come? What if we took some time to think of all of the people that make life who is always there, friends made long ago, friends new and still somewhat mysterious, people who staff our libraries and schools and stores? What if we looked around and were grateful for the floors under our feet and the roofs over our heads, the heat and the clean water, the mattress and the blankets...all that we depend on...think we deserve...but know is pure privilege? What if we noticed the sky in the morning with all its different greys + bright spots...and in the evening growing pink and then blazing with orange and yellow...and at night with that glowing orb among the glistening points of light?
All day long there are a million and one things to be grateful for...without counting one discount code or door buster. What if we just took this week to give thanks?