I took this arguably unremarkable picture to send to my partner right away. Can you believe it? This light that I've never seen before!? Amazing!
This is not the type of thing that I hear people speak of much, but it's the type of thing I'd love to have conversations about. Ross Gay talks about acknowledging such delights as an act of resistance. Ann Voskamp recognizes them as gifts of love. Richard Rohr recognizes characteristics of the Divine in such things. I feel the gutteral joy that can be experienced in such moments as a sort of homecoming to the most basic + deepest sense of ourselves. We reawaken to our knowing that our deepest self is connected to the center of it all...to Love. This beauty before us is an expression of Love...and in noticing...stopping...letting it penetrate to our essence...we connect...plug in...to our connection with that center...
In this moment, we see clearly again. Namaste...the light in me sees the light in you...the beauty in me sees the beauty in you...the love in me sees the love in you. We are connected...in Love...connected to light, to sky + soil, to color + sound, to each other. From this place, completely immersed in Love, this is where joy + hope + compassion are found.