I do, however, think that having an overarching perspective is helpful. Marie Kondo famously has her clients ask, "Does this spark joy?" as they hold each item. Not all of the things that are necessary in my home spark joy, so I find this to be a less than optimal approach.
If we evaluate our wardrobe without perspective, I believe it is entirely possible to end up with a wardrobe full of clothing + yet have nothing to wear. So...here comes my tip. Evaluate your wardrobe through the lens of "enough"...your "enough". And here is how I propose to do that:
Each season, sit down with pen + paper and answer these questions:
- What season am I dealing with? What is the temperature range? (I've found that by focusing on cold weather clothing + hot weather clothing, I end up having plenty of clothing to mix during transitional seasons.)
- What activities will I do this season? (Include working from home or on site, hanging out with friends, any special events, trips, etc.) (I find it helpful to focus on my athletic wear + outerwear separately.)
- What outfit(s) do I like to wear in each of the situations above? (Consider whether pieces worn in everyday situations can serve in less frequent situations. I find that a silky pair of lounge pants worn with an everyday cashmere sweater works in dressier situations. I don't have many of these occasions, so one solution is enough for me.)
- With the above answers in mind, how many of each item is enough? (sweaters, sweatshirts, fitted pants, etc.)
With those questions answered:
- Pull everything out onto the bed. It's always a good thing to see just how much clothing we own (perspective).
- Select the number of pieces you decided on for each category. (Focus on work/school clothes first. Lounge/pajamas/athletic wear may be able to be selected from what's left over.)
- Take stock. -Don't have as many pieces as you thought you needed? Maybe live with what you have for a while to learn if more is necessary. -Have lots left on your bed? (We're talking in-season pieces now.) Let them go or box some up + live with what's in your closet in order to see if you need any of those hard-to-let-go-of pieces. Do set a date to decide, though.
- Address out-of-season clothing. -Let go of any pieces that didn't serve you this season or that are worn out. -Store the rest away (in your suitcase?).
- Make a "shopping" list...but only address the major holes right away. (You'll refashion/swap/thrift/make/buy better after experiencing the season a bit first.)
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