End-of-season sales + peeks at spring collections came along + for the most part, I didn't even really try to resist "window shopping". The above fair leggings...a great addition to the dark ones I've been wearing since November were purchased with money received from selling some pants. A jumpsuit was made in attempts to stave off the temptation of a designer version. A dress was thrifted...and is folded away ready for warmer days. I feel like I added quite a lot to my wardrobe in February. In hindsight, I wish I'd skipped the jumpsuit (but I will reuse the fabric).
On a positive note, my simple wardrobe has proved itself functionally in this cold weather. I have this dream that there is a single pair of boots that would be enough for every function...but I have not located them yet. This year, I purchased a pair of thrifted slim Uggs (deeming them satisfyingly off-trend enough to adopt). :) I don't feel exceedingly stylish, but they close the gap between my preferred slightly cropped pant length exquisitely. When it is wet (snow, slush, freezing rain), I wear wool socks + leggings with my wellies. My feet + ankles have not been cold this year (a frigid memory that sticks with me from last winter). Two pairs of boots is not too many.
Last month, I shared that I had made a little plan of a few pieces I'd like to add to my wardrobe this year. This month I tried a piece on the winter portion of that list (supposed to be my birthday gift) + found that it doesn't really suit me. This provides a bit of a frustration, in that, I can't shop for fair pieces locally. I'd love to be able to go to a shop, gather a few pieces to try, see if they flatter + which size suits. The postage + delivery involved otherwise is less than optimal. It causes a whole lot more feelings than simply hanging something back on the hanger + leaving it at the store. Now I need to reevaluate my plan + feel a little less settled, but I'm trying to remind myself that simplicity is not necessarily easy. It takes work to be a good editor, so I might as well try to enjoy the process as much as possible.
For accountability's sake: (February)
made :: jumpsuit (resisted an expensive temptation, but didn't like) (fail)
thrifted :: dress (patience rewarded)
purchased fair :: leggings (bought with profits from sold pants)
sold :: pants