Zkano + Little River Sock Mill :: organic cotton grown, spun + dyed in the USA :: American wool :: made in Fort Payne, Alabama :: send back spent socks for recycling :: women's, men's + children's
Also consider knitting some socks, if you like. It's a great way to get some unique, 100% natural fiber socks. There are loads of patterns out there + lots are free. Save the leftover yarn for darning. :)
Farm to Feet :: 100% American supply chain (wool, nylon + spandex) :: made in North + South Carolina :: guaranteed for life :: returned socks will be recycled :: women's, men's + children's
Wigwam :: made in Sheboygan, Wisconsin :: wool sourced almost exclusively from American growers + spinners :: keep an eye out for majority wool fiber content :: women's, men's + children's
Harvest + Mill :: organic cotton grown, spun + knit in the USA :: undyed, color comes from the biodiverse cotton grown :: men's + women's
Pansy :: organic cotton :: USA grown + made :: unisex
This post will be linked at the bottom of the ethical brands page along with a few other posts about fair items...for when they might be helpful. All lovely photos via links. Unlinked photos, mine.