This weekend I thought about how Mr. Tribe was detained when we arrived in Chicago from the UK. It was probably about an hour of uncertainty and bewilderment. What if it had been days or weeks? I wondered what would have happened if we were told that our daughter was not welcome in this country when our plane touched down. Things can apparently change in the time it takes for a plane to fly from one part of the world to another these days.
Uncertainty is a gut wrenching soul suck.
I've been helping Mr. Tribe study for his citizenship test. One of the questions asks why the first colonists came to America. An answer is: "for religious freedom". Another question asks two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy. One of the answers is: "publicly support or oppose an issue or policy".
Our tribe spent this weekend making and writing postcards to our Congressmen. We stood with fellow compassionate souls at the International Airport. It felt like a tiny something.
Refugees are victims of war. Please don't make them victims of our fear.
Everyone deserves a home.