Similarly, I find that there are usually two ways that one can approach most zero-waste decisions. Neither is more right...but one might feel more right in a particular situation.
#1 :: Find a zero-waste way to do/make/eat/buy the thing that was always done.
#2 :: Choose to do/make/eat/buy things that are zero-waste and let the others go.
Say we're thinking tacos sound good for dinner. The approach in #1 could involve making tortillas from scratch or finding a shop willing to put fresh ones into a container from home instead of purchasing them in a plastic bag. Using approach #2, we'd eat the taco filling on a bed of rice or greens + call it taco salad or a naked burrito instead of worrying about tortillas. In my home, we go with #2 more often...but make time for #1 on occasion. This set-up also makes the occasional taco at a restaurant extra special.
Eating on the run might be another chance to consider our two ways. In our pre-zero-waste days we might have considered hitting the drive-thru for a burger. Now we could consider gathering the courage to bring a container of our own + asking that the food be put into it (#1). If we took approach #2, we might consider the places that we know we can grab something zero-waste quickly...and go grab a piece of fruit + a bagel tied up in a scarf. Or we might plan ahead, bring something from home to eat, + skip the shops altogether. We'd save burgers for when we make them at home or when we can take a little more time at a place that serves them on a plate.
Make-up is an area where one could choose between (#1) buying/making all of the zero-waste type make-up substitutes or (#2) making a limited amount of make-up + letting the rest alone. Of course there are more options + combinations in all of these situations, but I think the idea comes through.
It might seem like more of a sacrifice to let things go (#2), but I've most often found the practice to be freeing + beneficial. The zero-waste way is most often more healthy...more tasty...more satisfying...better for the earth...more cost effective...and offers more connection. Take food, for example, there are plenty of zero-waste meals that we love to eat. We don't dwell on what we don't eat...we just eat good food!
Again, my life is a combination of these two approaches. I very much like to keep in mind that there are I don't get hung up on just one. :)