We have amazing opportunities to connect stuff with people these days. Craigslist, eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Facebook, + Instagram offer enhanced connection. I love that I can connect items to people who will appreciate them. It's one more step between manufacture and waste that prolongs the life of the item (+ making a little money is nice too). :) Once we begin holding our things more lightly, we begin to tune in to opportunities for generosity. Events and situations we hear about (like wildfires, floods, domestic abuse, resettlement, foster care aging out, + homelessness) can spur us to action rather than making us feel powerless.
Once material possessions become the stuff of Stuffocation or Affluenza it can be difficult to remember that the same items clogging up our homes + garages could help someone else's life become a little more functional.
Let it go. Let it be useful again.