If I don't tune into intention with my wardrobe, my excitement can carry me to acquire pieces I like without paying attention to what I need or what works most effectively with the pieces I already own. This can lead to "needing" to purchase additional pieces to match or being left with holes that make pieces "unwearable". (I'm adding quotation marks, because these statements are merely style + privilege driven.)
My motivation for recognizing "enough" is to consider my impact on farmers, garment workers, a warming planet + all my fellow humans. New clothing requires resources like fibers, land, water, waste, labor, transportation. Holding on to more than I need withholds from others + contributes to those around me feeling that more is necessary. (This is not an endorsement for repeated closet clean outs. It is hope for a movement toward recognizing the beauty of less.)
A few things I've learned over the years I've been tuned into "enough" (most of it still really surprises me!):
- I care about style, and I can create style without needing a huge collection of clothing.
- Every single season, I realize that I need less than I thought I did at the beginning of the season.
- Rarely do I need more than three of something (work pants, sweatshirts, button ups).
- Mixing + matching offers a lot of variety.
- I know which pieces I like to wear over + over...what feels like me.
- No matter what work environment I find myself in, I usually already have enough to form a sort of work uniform.
And so, rather than starting by scrolling fall collections or assembling pinterest boards (both of which I love doing), I start in my own closet. I pull out pieces that I can wear in the next few months, put them together + see "enough". It really is that simple. I may add a top or two to create a bit more happiness + ease. My intention is not to be rigid, but there is no urgency or feeling of lack here either now.
Recognizing enough is like a muscle that I find the need to keep in shape...a practice I need to do repeatedly...thought processes I need to keep limber. And that's pretty exciting to experience!