Julia is a natural minimalist when it comes to clothing. She just prefers less. Periodically, I bump up against the realization that the abundance + choice I offer as kindness could have the unintended consequence of clouding out (or even training away) her feelings of "enough". It's a sort of comical realization when I spend so much of my own time striving toward this feeling myself.
I find it encouraging to hear other's perspectives on their wardrobes. Julia's perspective on her wardrobe is pretty simple + I love knowing that it can actually be that simple. Julia + I had a little conversation about some of this + she agreed to let me share it here. :)
Jane :: How do you feel about clothes? Do you have opinions about what you like to wear + what you don't like to wear?
Julia :: I like comfy clothes that I can move in + that feel like "me".
Jane :: Can too much clothing start to feel overwhelming?
Julia :: Yes! I only want what I need, and I only need a few things.
Jane :: How do you feel about the fact that your job involves wearing a uniform?
Julia :: I don't really like the uniform, but it's not the worst. I don't have to worry about what to wear, because it's already there.
Jane :: What do you like most about one-piece dressing...like jumpsuits + dresses?
Julia :: It's just all there, and I don't even have to choose anything else.
Jane :: Do you like just having one pair of trainers, one pair of boots, one pair of sandals?
Julia :: Yeah. I like having just what I need. I don't really want six pairs of shoes. And since it's quarantine, I don't really go anywhere anyway...so I guess there's that too. :)
These are a few of the things I see as Julia's ethical/minimal wardrobe superpowers:
- truly wanting to dress with less
- not depending on clothing for identity
- finding contentment in formulas that work
- recognizing "enough" + not feeling the need to deviate
Thank you, my sweet girl, for sharing your thoughts with me + for letting me share them here! It's super inspiring for me to observe what comes naturally to you. I'll keep trying to do my part to preserve + honor your instinctive knowledge of "enough".
Dear reader, I imagine you + your people have some natural or hard-earned superpowers of your own. Take notice + celebrate + maximize their effects! :)