My letter is for the people I will stand with this Sunday morning in our Father's house.
Dear Fellow Christians,
I voted for Hillary.
You printed out lists of anti-abortion candidates.
I am pro-life. Pro-all-kinds-of-life...unborn babies, immigrant, Mexican, Black, Muslim, Native American, gay, straight, veteran, plant, animal, and planet. My pro-life beliefs call me to be anti-assault weapon and for more careful gun sales. My pro-life beliefs call me to care deeply about climate change. My pro-life beliefs call me to care about the plight of refugees and the lives of immigrants already here. My pro-life beliefs call me to believe that everyone should have access to healthcare.
The message around abortion that I want to send is not simply that "you are not allowed to kill the baby growing inside you". I know what it is to have a baby die inside of me. I also know what it is to love a baby who did not grow inside of me. This issue is not one bit impersonal to me. The message I want to send needs to come well before the point of unzipping her pants.
I want each and every girl to know that it is totally unacceptable for a man to say that he can grab her by the pussy anytime he feels like it. I want each and every girl to know that it is not ok for a man to flap his arms around to make fun of her, if she is differently abled. I want each and every girl to know that her skin color does not entitle anyone to treat her cruelly. I want each and every girl to know that it is not ok for a man to call her "Miss Piggy", if she gains a few pounds. I want each and every girl to know that it is not ok for a man to do less time in jail for raping her than if she stands up for clean water. I very much want each and every boy to know these things as well.
The fight against abortion to me starts long before a woman walks into a clinic. It starts with creating a world where girls feel and know that they are valuable and loved for more than their appearances and what they can offer sexually. Our fight against abortion is one that leads us away from the point of abortion. Our fight begins with a fight for dignity and justice followed by a gift of worth and love.
We had the chance to demonstrate all of this with our votes. My regret is that I stayed quiet when I was with you. I tiptoed around the possibility of friendship rather than broaching this tricky topic. You broached it in groups of people you believed to be on your side. I slipped out to the bathroom.
I voted for Hillary. You voted pro-life. So did I.