Here are a few of the things that changed our shopping habits + how:
compassion ::
--learning about the conditions that garment workers + farmers are forced to endure in the name of fast fashion led me to quit the mall
--educating my daughters + giving them the tools to be able to choose to be responsible consumers is vital
--(compassion is my most powerful motivator)
recognizing enough ::
--what a process + something that needs constant tending, for me
not watching TV + seeing less ads ::
--we don't own a television
--Jo + I have installed adblockers on our computers
--but as helpful as this is...instagram can just as easily become an ad for wanderlust, effortless style, interior bliss, or that beautiful tea towel
--(must remain aware)
my Saturday reads ::
--I save up all of my simplicity, minimalism, zero-waste reads for Saturdays (when I am most tempted to shop)
--they give me a powerful boost of camaraderie + motivation and reset my mindset back to "enough"
decluttering ::
--allows me to consider all of the things that I spent money on, now hold no value to me + are weighing me down
--allows me to see empty space as beauty
--I recognize that "less" means less to care for, dust, move, find space for, store
--stuff can create mental much of beauty is the space around things...that space allows room for us to breathe
--creates space that I like to keep closet...the downstairs room...these spaces look more intentional + less like storage only
budget ::
--no credit card debt allowed- we don't purchase things with credit cards anymore
--if we can't afford to pay cash (or debit) for it, we can't afford it right now
limits ::
--our budget is a limit
--my wardrobe list in another limit
--our home is a limit- no storage units for us + our cars need to fit in the garage
zero-waste ::
--learning about clothing waste, landfills filled with clothing, plastic fibers that leach into drinking water + the our waterways, the excess created by fast fashion + even the second hand clothing market...these are powerful motivators
--we try to find things that we need second hand first
the internet ::
--I can be very intentional with my purchases
--access to fair brands, Craigslist, eBay, etsy...
--I can wait to buy + don't feel pressure to grab it when I'm in the store
--waiting to buy often means that I don't feel the need later
What about you? I'd love to hear what you find motivating in regards to conscious shopping!