It was the day that the weather changed. We'd need something warmer to wear on our walk. I pulled on my leggings + a long-sleeved layer and off we went. As I opened the door, I realized that I had everything I needed...even when the circumstances changed...and that felt really good.
When summer arrived, I'd tried to add another pair of workout shorts to my collection of one. I ruled out the ones made out of plastic, even though it was recycled plastic. No more microfibers, if I can help it. There was a pair with a waist band that was sure to twist + annoy...another pair that was so hot that I felt relief as soon as I removed it. Others were never restocked in my size. But, you know what happened? I hung my single pair of workout shorts over the doorknob on the back of my bedroom door every morning after my walk + washed them each weekend. And it was enough.
I rotated the three tank tops + three pairs of socks I had. Enough.
Taking note of that moment of clarity is important, because all of my feelings of not having enough...wanting just one more...come not from need but from boredom with what I have or fear of something that hasn't happened. I'm not saying that having more than one pair of workout shorts or leggings is bad. I just think that it is very useful to recognize "enough". Because I would get bored with two as well. Because I am more likely to use up every bit of one. Because resources are finite.
And so, I smiled at "enough" + promised to remember that feeling...even when I'm not feeling it.