But people we know carry guns to church + post fake news online + scoff at the idea of climate change. People we know defend the greedy business practices of corporations + argue that embracing renewable energy is not profitable or wise. People we know defend immigrant family separation as a deterrent + say disgusting things about gay couples that dare to look for a loving community within our church doors. People we know support this disgusting, reprehensible, lying, hateful highest elected official to which we are currently subject. People we know can't be bothered to care about who made their clothes or how much trash they send to the landfill. People we know tell us that their actions don't make a difference. People we know post pictures of their National Park vacations + then vote for politicians who deregulate protections for our streams + lakes + wild lands. So, yeah. I'm angry. A lot.
Please listen to 16 year old Greta Thunberg's speech given to the UN today. Anger is 100% appropriate.
Photo via link.