- take a walk
- bake a cake to share
- restock the bird feeder
- sit in the sun
- sit with your favorite drink
- look at the sky
- hug someone you love a little longer than usual
- pet a dog or cat
- smile at a stranger
- light a candle
- listen to well-chosen music
- do sun salutations
- find a good leaf
- greet a ladybug
- air dry some laundry
- change the sheets
- let someone know you are thinking of them
- eat fruit
- be still
- dance wild
- read familiar, good words
- clean out your bag
- take a picture of a houseplant
- tell your children something you love about them
- paint with watercolors
- plan a meet-up
- massage your partner's hands
- wear colorful socks
- notice the moon
Love is here.
Beauty is here.
Much love,